** 50% Sold Out – Signup Below **
Coach Steve is running a HIGH TEMPO Power skating / Skills Clinic for March Break. Join us this week for five sessions to build and enhance your skills.
This year, camp will include On-Ice Scrimmages, Goalies, and Coach Steve will be joined by additional Instructors to work with Players.
– Participation in this year’s Clinic will include a SCE Hockey Jersey for each player
** Specify your size with your reply to Register
– Youth S / M / L / XL or Adult S / M **
March 10 – Monday …….. 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM …. [1 Hour ONLY]
March 11 – Tuesday …….. 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM . [2 Hours]
March 12 – Wednesday . 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
March 13 – Thursday …… 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
March 14 – Friday ………… 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
[Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to get your gear on]
Focus on Intense Power-skating
Controlled posture, correction & reinforcement, all variations!
Explosions, forward / backward, quick start, quick feet,
cross-overs, c-cuts, inside / outside edges,
straddling, core edge work.Additional Skills
cycling, passing, shooting all variations!
1 on 1 / 2 on 2, stretch passing, small area tactics
Positioning, controlled battle drills.
Date: March 10 – 14
$380 (tax incl.)
** Specify your size with your reply to Register – Youth S / M / L / XL **
Registration and Payment MUST be received by February 23 in order to have your jersey for the start of the clinic (this is the deadline for SCE Hockey to submit the order for the Jerseys in time)
Any registration AFTER February 23 may result in your Jersey not being available until AFTER the clinic.